Sunday, May 5, 2013

Fun night out!

Yesterday, Stacey and I went to her 10-year college reunion!  It was a Hollywood themed party, and Stacey and I, being the crazy, fun people that we are, decided to do Hollywood OUR way!  We dressed up with tux shirts, bright fedoras and bright, fun glasses!  LOL  It was tons of fun to hang out with her college friends and be silly!  We stayed out pretty late, and normally I don't do well with that, but I only do it occasionally, and was fine last night and this morning!  Yay!  I love my honeybear so much!  She is such a good, beautiful person, on the inside and the outside, and there is no one else I'd want to be crazy-silly with besides her! 
Me with my crazy hat and shirt on :)

My honeybear and me <3

Us with our whole costumes on! 

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