Saturday, April 27, 2013

About Me: The early years, Divorce, family, and school (Part 1)

Well, here I go!  I can't believe that I'm writing my first post for my new blog...very exciting stuff!  This is my first attempt at this sort of thing, and thanks to my friend, Brenda, for recommending that I do this :)  For a few months, I have been looking for a way to share my story of living well with Bipolar Disorder!  Brenda knew the answer!

I have cut the About Me posts up into three parts because there's just way too much to say in one post! I want to give you all my history to help you understand what got me to this magnificent life!

I don't really know where to begin, but I'll give it a try. I am 33 years old, but was told by an older woman just last December that I looked like her 16-year-old grandson!  She was so nice about it, though, so I just took it as a compliment that I look young...haha!  I was born in 1980, the second daughter of my parents.  Life was good for a while, and then they divorced because my father was unfaithful, so when I was six my dad left.  My mother got primary custody of my sister and me, but we would go to visit with my dad every Wednesday and every other weekend.  My father married the woman he was unfaithful with in 1988, and she had a son, so I got a younger step-brother.  My mother remarried in 1989, and he had three daughters, so I got three step-sisters.  That means that, technically, I have five siblings!  They are all grown now with families of their own, and I hope that they are happy. 

I will try to run through my "growing-up years" quickly, as Stacey, my wife, just saw me typing a lot and said "You don't need to write your life story in your first post, you know!" I told her, as I told you that I just want to give history so you know how I came to be the person I am today.  And, I really don't think that it's going to be quickly, though I will try!

The divorce was extremely hard on me, as I know that divorce is on many children.  My sister seemed to just "roll with it," but I just couldn't seem to do that myself.  So much was changing for me.  A lot happened in three short years, I had thought.  My dad left (which is totally confusing when you're only six!), I got a new step-mom and step-dad, and four new siblings all within that time!  It just through me for a loop, if you know what I mean.  Too much.  And I didn't handle any of it well.  I really wanted to be with my dad most of the time, but he didn't have primary custody of us, so that couldn't happen. My mom didn't like that and made sure I knew it, and made my life pretty unbearable.  She yelled a lot, would get mad very easily, and used guilt so much in my life that I still have to fight feeling bad about everything in my life to this day.  She tried to be a good mom.  I get that.  She made mistakes.  I get that.  But she did a whole lot more than that, but I won't go into that now.

I grew up living with my mom, step-dad, and four sisters, mainly. It was tough, but I managed to be a good student, had a couple of friends (until I was in high school, then I really didn't have any friends), and loved to listen to music, read, and write.  I won a couple of poetry and writing contests, and even won a class Spelling Bee once in middle school!  I really liked school, and seeing my teachers was always the highlight of my days! 

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